
The IX Congress of Oncologists and Radiologists of the CIS and Eurasian Countries was held in Minsk

Date : 17 -
Place: Minsk, Republic of Belarus

IX Congress of oncologists and radiologists of CIS and Eurasia took place from 15 to 17 June 2016 in the city of Minsk, Republic of Belarus. The Congress was attended by about 2300 professionals from 19 countries, including representatives of the member countries of ADYAR such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and countries near and far abroad: Belgium, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, USA, France, Switzerland. The venue of the Congress was not chosen by chance - it was one of the largest CIS city with almost two million people and serious cancer school.

Solemn opening of the IX Congress of oncologists and radiologists of CIS and Eurasia, which became the basis of the concept of "From early diagnosis to effective treatment", was held in the Palace of the Republic. With a salutatory word to participants addressed Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Kochanova N. And. The Minister of health of the Republic of Belarus Zharko V. I., academician M. I. Davydov, chief oncologist of the health Ministry, President ADIOR CIS and Eurasia, Director of the fsbu". N. N. Blokhin" the Ministry of health, Professor Sukonko O. G., the main oncologist of MOH of Belarus, Director of the RSPC "OMR them. N. N. Alexandrov", Christopher wild Director, International Agency for research on cancer (IARC), prof Aleinikova O. V. corresponding member Q. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Director of the RSPC DOGS.

An important place in the scientific program was devoted to early detection of malignant tumors. As noted by the experts, methods of diagnosis of cancer in recent years has improved significantly, and this poses new challenges. "Earlier in the structure of mortality of cancer held a small percentage, but that is only because they have rarely been revealed – said the Minister of health of the Republic of Belarus Vasily Zharko. Modern equipment allows you to show the true picture of the incidence on early stages. Everyone knows how important early diagnosis. Yes, cancer treatment is expensive but this diagnosis is not a death sentence. We know how to deal with it and to return the person to normal life".

In the software report of academician Mikhail Ivanovich Davydov, dedicated to ecoepidemiology in Russia, CIS and other countries also indicated that the success of cancer treatment depends on a number of factors, considering which, the experts of the countries ADIOR can provide quality and efficient medical care at the level of world standards. So, Russia has cancer gets sick every year about 550 thousand people, and is particularly acute question of the uneven distribution of resources to combat malignant diseases in different regions. "One of the key challenges of Oncology today is to ensure that the effectiveness of treatment of patients were the same as in the center – said M. I. Davydov. – We conduct analysis of the Oncology service in all the countries of the former Soviet Union, tells about the success that modern approaches have come and to lagging regions".

At meetings of the Congress were presented over 400 presentations on how modern approaches and problems of diagnosis and treatment of malignant neoplasms and fundamental Oncology. A separate section was devoted to the future (from screening until mammoplasty), the problems of diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the skin, Central nervous system, organs of the head and neck, lung and mediastinum, esophagus and hepatobiliopancreatoduodenal zone.

Discussed modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of urological malignancies, colorectal cancer, malignancies of the female reproductive system, including issues of combination of cancer and pregnancy. There were also sections on encourtered and Hematology. Particular attention was paid to the issues of pediatric Oncology. All sections were accompanied by discussions and analyses of clinical cases.

In the framework of the meetings of the organization of cancer care delegates considered the pilot program successful and effective experience of cancer control in the countries of the CIS and Eurasia, discussed the organizational issues and conducted analysis of statistical indicators.

In addition to the thematic breakout sessions and plenary lectures, the Congress also included the satellite symposia, poster session, round tables.

As noted by the Chief oncologist of MOH of RB, the Director of GU "RSPC OMR named. N. N. Alexandrov" Oleg G. Sukonko, the Congress gathered the leading experts in the field of Oncology, "and not only from countries of the former Soviet Union, but also from foreign countries. It is worth noting that one of the main goals of the Congress is to bring together professionals from around the world, despite the apparent contradictions. Oncologists must work together and have common goals".

Also during the forum, in the conference complex of hotel "MARRIOTT Minsk" was an exhibition of modern scientific achievements in the field of drug therapy of oncological diseases and specialized equipment. The exhibition brought together more than 90 companies.

Released special issue of "Eurasian Oncology journal", printed on ADIOR, which published 1140 abstracts approved by the scientific Committee.

Overall, as noted by the organizers, the high interest to the Congress, says about the growth of professionalism of oncologists and radiologists of CIS countries, which every year are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of international cooperation, strive to be aware of the latest achievements and to have access to advanced medical expertise.

Scientific, educational mission, which must necessarily translate into the practical work of specialists, participating in the Congress cannot be overemphasized. Prevailed in the classrooms and halls of friendliness and mutual sympathy between the parties, no doubt, reinforce the positive outcome of the forum, which according to feedback from delegates and experts, can be called an ambitious and practically valuable.

Videos about the Congress