
We congratulate Mikhail Davydov on his jubilee!

October 11 marks the 70th anniversary of the academician of RAS, Director of the fgbi "national medical research center of Oncology. N. N. Blokhin" of rmph, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, President of ADIAR Mikhail Ivanovich Davydov!

M. I. Davydov known in Russia and abroad as a great scholar who devoted his scientific and practical activities develop new and improve existing methods of surgical treatment of cancer of the lung, esophagus, stomach, tumors of the mediastinum. They developed a new technique for intrapleural gastro-esophageal and esophageal-intestinal anastomosis that is original technical performance, absolute security and high physiology developed surgery, where due to mediastinal and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection improved the results of treatment of cancer of the esophagus, lung, stomach.

For the first time in the practice of Oncology M. I. Davydov were held operations plastics Vena cava, aorta, pulmonary artery. He developed and successfully implemented a combined resection of the esophagus with a circular resection and plasty of trachea in esophageal cancer complicated by esophageal-tracheal fistula. They enriched the Arsenal of broncho - and angioplasticeskih surgery. He is one of the first authors ' technique of surgical treatment of tumours of the upper aperture of the thorax.

M. I. Davydov created a school of oncologists-surgeons, dealing with refined diagnosis and improving the treatment of malignant tumors with involvement of the latest achievements in various areas of experimental and practical Oncology. He has supervised more than 70 doctoral and 100 PhD theses. He is the author and coauthor of more than 900 scientific publications, including 3 monographs, 6 scientific and methodological films.

Along with the scientific and administrative activities of M. I. Davydov continues to operate. At his clinic performed more than 30 operations a day. Sam Mikhail Ivanovich calls himself odhim of the operating Directors in the country — and this is no exaggeration, because two or three operations in the clinic every day he makes himself. The technique of surgery often called Davydova offensive, even aggressive. And is not afraid to do it, relying on the experience, confidence, flair, talent. A separate and unique area of work for Mikhail Ivanovich is the surgical treatment of patients with serious concomitant diseases, stroke, heart attack, suffering from a severe form of diabetes. In any case, the number of relapses of his patients is minimal.

“Many doctors treat surgery as craft. Maybe it is, I don't know... But Davydov elevates the craft to an art form. We specifically go to see how it handles, while receiving an aesthetic pleasure”, — so responded about the skill Davydova, one of his disciples, surgeon I. S. Stilidi. Hands that can do anything, he came up with his teacher nickname, firmly entrenched him in the Institute — “Paganini surgery”.

Being a man of solid life principles and wide range of vision with amazing charisma and a sparkling sense of humor, Mikhail Ivanovich deservedly sincere love and respect of his colleagues and several generations of students.

Friends, colleagues and pupils cordially congratulate Mikhail Ivanovich with the jubilee and wish him new successes and achievements in science, energy and inspiration, dreams, good health, prosperity and happiness!