
Andrey Kaprin was elected academician of the Russian Academy of Education

On May 27, 2021, elections of academicians and corresponding members of RAO were held at the Russian Academy of Education. During the voting, Andrey Kaprin, the chief oncologist of the Russian Ministry of Health, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, General Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Radiology" of the Russian Ministry of Health, was elected by the scientific and pedagogical community as Academician of the Russian Academy of Education. The meeting of the General Meeting of Members of RAO - the supreme governing body of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Academy of Education" and the filling of vacancies in the academic building took place in a highly competitive environment. More than 50 registered candidates applied for 14 seats of corresponding members of RAO and 12 seats of academicians, and a third of the vacancies were intended for young colleagues. The meeting was attended by about 200 Russian and foreign scientists. The elections were held by secret ballot. Representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, federal ministries and departments oversaw the renewal of the staff of RAO. Applicants were elected to the departments of philosophy of education and theoretical pedagogy, psychology and developmental physiology, general secondary education, vocational education, education and culture, and the department of Russian literature. The new academicians are Olga Vasilyeva, Chair of the Board of Trustees of RAO, Elena Vartanova, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, Alexander Yakupov, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, and others. The vacancies of RAO's corresponding members were taken by Igor Pavlov, Deputy President of RAO, Olga Ulyanina, Head of the Federal Resource Center for Psychological Service in the Education System, Igor Remorenko, Rector of Moscow City Pedagogical University, Besarion Meskhi, Rector of Don State Technical University, and others. During the meeting, elections of foreign members of the Russian Academy of Education were also held. Rector of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University Alexander Zhuk and rector of the Belarusian State University Andrei Korol took these positions by the unanimous decision of the voters. Press service of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Radiology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia